Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Back to School

Yesterday was my first day back on campus after our break between quarters.  The day kicked off bright and early with Restaurant Operations at 8am.

I have been a little concerned about this class.  Restaurant Ops is a class where the students run a real life, fully functional restaurant called Henry's.  It is a six hour class, twice a week.  Now, I like to cook, but I hate being rushed.  I guess we shall see how it goes... 

I am excited to look up recipes, though!  The class gets to create their own menu to serve.  So far I have found recipes for a lemon-cornbread-pound cake with berries and cream (of course, I found dessert first), a colby and pear panini, and stuffed goat cheese turkey burgers topped with an apricot soy glaze.  Oh boy, oh boy! Don't they sound absolutely divine!  I hope at least one of mine gets chosen!

In other news...


A big shout-out to all the RDs out there! THANK YOU!

Now, back to my school day.  

I had my first Safety and Sanitation class following Restaurant Ops.  We took a mock-exam to see if we could pass and receive our Safeserv Certification. Oh yeah, I would have passed, but just barely. 
After class got out, I volunteered with a couple of the members of the RIT Student Dietetic Association at an exhibition called, "What Women Ought to Know."  Our table was all about eating disorders and healthy eating for college students.  There wasn't a huge turnout due poor planning by the exhibition sponsors, but a couple of girls seemed to have left our table with a little more knowledge. That's what counts, right?

Here is our beautiful poster, created by the talented Miss Ilissa Palmer.

And our Presidents, Brianna and Ilissa, who circled the wagons and allowed the SDA to take part in the exhibition.  
Rockin' the latest ADA Journal.

Last night, after taking me to my favorite restaurant for gourmet burgers (we did Mardi Gras up right!), my wonderful boyfriend helped me create the SDA t-shirt in honor of NNM.  Well, he did the creating, I basically just bossed him around. ;)

Here he is hard at work.
Such a sweetheart.
Pretty cool, huh?  He's amazing.

On a completely different note, I can't decide what to give up for Lent.  Something to think about...

Have a great day!

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